Highland Fusion Bursary 2024-25

A project by: Dance Club University of St Andrews



from 4 donors


Who we are

We are Highland Fusion, the University of St Andrews Dance Club's competitive Highland dance team. We:

  • have a passion for dance and choreography
  • compete at competitions across the UK
  • volunteer in the local community
  • perform at events celebrating National holidays 
  • perform in our annual showcase and other University events

what are we trying to do?

Initially, Dance Club created the Blue Angels Bursary for the academic year 2021-22. Thanks to generous support and encouragement from around the world the bursary has continued to support dancers every year since!

During this process it was discovered that there was a much greater need to support potential dancers than we thought. Our membership fees are higher than the recreational Dance Club because we need to cover the costs of competition entry fees, uniforms, and travel. This has acted as a barrier for some passionate, talented Highland dancers and choreographers within our community. We have therefore decided to continue to do our best to make dancing accessible by raising funds for a Highland Fusion Bursary.

The bursary application and approval processes are administered confidentially by Registry and Student Services. Highland Fusion is not involved at all – we just do the fundraising!

Where will the money go?

We are passionate about dance and want to give everyone the opportunity to be able to experience the joy it brings - regardless of financial circumstances. All donations will directly fund dancers' memberships and required kit, enabling them to enjoy competitive Highland dance and share their love of dance with the wider community. 

“Five years later, I can look back and say that joining the Highland Fusion team in my first year at university was one of the best decisions that I’ve ever made. Not only did I have incredible opportunities to train and perform, compete and volunteer, teach and travel, but I also grew as a person – gaining confidence, making new friends and trying new things that otherwise wouldn’t have been possible. As one of the highlights of my St Andrews experience, Highland Fusion will always have a special place in my heart. I am so grateful to the club and the people I met along the way – I wouldn’t be the same person that I am today otherwise!”

“Highland Fusion has been one of the biggest parts of my first year university experience. From the training sessions, competitions, socials and shows we become a massive family and it contributes so much to the University atmosphere, I really couldn’t imagine the rest of my years in St Andrews without it. ”

Please note: all payments will be processed at the time of donating. This means that you will be charged immediately upon making your donation. In the event that a project does not reach its specified target, rest assured that your donation will be directed towards area of greatest need related to the club, e.g., purchase of kit, travel and entry fees for competitions. This approach allows us to maximise the impact of your support and ensures that your contribution continues to make a meaningful difference. If you have any questions or concerns about this update, please don't hesitate to contact us at saintsfunder@st-andrews.ac.uk

How can you help?

Please help us to achieve our vision of awarding the Highland Fusion Bursary every year and support passionate dancers in our community by donating today!

Donate any amount - every little counts (£65 funds about half the membership fee)

Spread the word about our project and share the link!

Sign up as a follower to receive updates or as a helper to tell people about our goal.

Thank you!

Find us here

Facebook: University of St Andrews Dance Club

Instagram: @ustadanceclub 

Email: dance@st-andrews.ac.uk 

Youtube: www.youtube.com/@UStADanceClub

Photo and video credit: University of St Andrews Dance Club