Highland Fusion Bursary 2025-26

Your gift


You can donate any amount

Gift visibility

Choose how you would like your contribution to be displayed

This is how your donation is displayed on the project page on SaintsFunder.

Your details will always be visible to the University of St Andrews and the project co-ordinator.

We will publish all gifts in our annual Donor Roll unless you email SaintsFunder@st-andrews.ac.uk to let us know you wish your gift to remain completely anonymous.

Your details

Home Address

This is the address your reward will be sent to. If you change address please contact the project creator directly and email SaintsFunder@st-andrews.ac.uk.



Your payment details

Please make sure you enter the post/ZIP code associated with your payment card when prompted below, next to the CVC.

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Please remember that if you are an alumni donating through the University of St Andrews American Foundation, Inc., the American Challenge Fund will increase your donation at no extra cost to you.

If you have any issues donating through SaintsFunder, please note the project and visit our giving pages where you can add the project to the designation section. Thank you.