Support the Saints Hockey Coaching Fund

A project by: Matthew Garrod

pledged of £4,500 target
4 months, 1 week ago

Dear supporters,

Thank you all for your generous contributions to our coaching fund. I am grateful that so many friends, family members, and club supporters are willing to help our squad reach its full potential.

Project update:

Unfortunately, we were unable to appoint a coach in time for the start of this season. There is a limited pool of coaches of a suitable quality in our region and so we’ve decided to delay using the coaching fund until the 2025/26 academic year. This extra time will allow us to advertise the position more widely and explore additional funding options. The squad are organising fundraising events to build on what we currently have. We are also exploring the possibility of finding a main club sponsor, which could provide a more sustainable and long-term way of funding an additional coaching role. We will keep you updated on our progress.

Team update:

On the pitch, the Men’s First Team have had a strong start to the season and remain unbeaten in competitive matches. We hope that we are able to bring a coach onboard next season having earned promotion in one or even both leagues!

Thank you again for supporting Saints Hockey. I look forward to seeing many of you supporting the team at our new pitch soon. 

Kind regards,
