A project by: University of St Andrews


WE RAISED £1,270

from 5 donors

Bringing St Andrews Art to Everyone and Everywhere

who are we? 

two students on a mission to bring art to everyone!

We are Elisa and Rebecca from the University of St Andrews Museum and Gallery Studies MLitt degree.

We spent the Autumn Semester identifying the art pieces housed in various University buildings under the supervision of Claire Robinson, the Collections and Exhibitions Curator of the University Museums. We will spend the Spring Semester assisting the photographer to capture the images of the pieces and putting them all into our digital database. 

what are we doing?

We are on a mission to make the University's art collection available to scholars, researchers, students and people all over the world!

why are we doing it?

The University’s art collection – including our Heritage, Chemistry, and Scientific Instruments collections – is Recognised Collection of National Significance and reflect more than 600 years of academic enquiry, creativity and innovation. 

The pandemic has made us realise that art still needs to be accessible when in-person viewing isn’t possible – either for study or for the positive role it plays for our health and wellbeing.

We want to do our part by making the University's art collection available to people around the world. When it’s completed, the art collection can be accessed via the Museums of the University of St Andrews website.

This project will complete the digitisation of the entire University Art Collection and will help to foster a greater awareness of the University's heritage, history and personalities.

where will the donations go?

Donations will enable us to:

  • Photograph over 270 pieces of art in the Museums'  art collection (this will also ensure that we have a record in case the originals are damaged, lost or destroyed)
  • Cover the cost of the photography 
  • Consolidate art pieces displayed across the University (from various academic schools, museums and halls of residences) into a centralised database
  • Capture never-before photographed artworks
  • Re-photograph some artworks that need high-quality images
  • Digitise the entire collection into our central database to allow easier access for students, researchers and the public
  • Use the digitised collection to enhance the student experience through workshops and activities during Covid-19 restrictions

examples of Artwork in the collections

Art pieces needing to be photographed and digitised:

  • First photo: An example of bad framing: GEAR, William, Abstract, 1988© University of St Andrews Libraries and Museums
  • Second photo: An example of bad lighting: AIRWEATHER, J (attrib.), Portrait of Professor William Carmichael McIntosh, 1929© University of St Andrews Libraries and Museums

Examples of high-quality and high-resolution images:

  • First photo: Rae CBE RA, Barbara, An Ceo Draiochta, 2008-2010© University of St Andrews Libraries and Museums
  • Second photo: Buddha; gilded stone figure in a cross legged pose thought to be of Burmese origin, 1800-1904© University of St Andrews Libraries and Museums

Find us here

At the Museums of the University of St Andrews FacebookTwitterInstagram, and Museum Blog.

Thank you for your support!

You don't have to give money to help us succeed!

Please share this project with anyone and everyone you know – on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, by email, telephone, in a chat over the fence or on your blog or video chats.

And we know we said you don't need to give money to help us, but we'd love it if you did! Please sponsor us and help our project. Thank you!